Mahen ,Mondal

Hi, Welcome to my portfolio.
I’m a frontend developer, and I specialize in efficient React apps and CSS and HTML that just work across all platforms and browsers. I care deeply about building interfaces that are usable and pleasant for the most number of people possible.


Language: C, C++, JavaScript

Tech Stack:Solidity, React,Next , NodeJS,Express

Graphql, MySQL,Firebase,MongoDb

Cloud Tech: AWS, S3

Design: HTML, Bootstrap, SCSS,Jquery

Version Control: GitHub, JIRA

Tools: Postman, DevTools,Andriod studio

Communication, Public Speaking

Documentation: Word, Excel



Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering

Chandigarh University,Chandigarh
Courses undertaken Data Strucutures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, Networks, Distributed Computing, Object Oriented Programming, Computer Architecture.

Masters in Computer Science

South Asian University,New Delhi
Courses undertaken Advance Data Strucutures and Algorithms,Networking Programming , Machine Learning ,Performance Modeling.


On the off chance that you might want to connect with me, be it for investigating innovation, business, or to simply say hello, don't hesitate to send me an email at